We use keywords to contextually target your ads on Display Network placements. This is true no matter which distribution setting you choose when opting in to the Google Display Network. The more context we have, the more likely we are to find the most relevant places for your ads.

When you include keywords in your ad group, Google's search technology scans the content and URL of a webpage and automatically displays ads with keyword lists closely matching the subject of the page. For example, if users view a webpage about building hummingbird feeders, they may see AdWords ads for hummingbird feeders or hummingbird food. Or, if users view a webpage containing brownie recipes, they may see ads about chocolate brownies or delicious dessert recipes.

Learn how placements and keywords work together in an ad group.
Learn how audiences interact with placements and keywords.
Learn about which bid applies when your ad is triggered by a combination of keywords and placements.


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